Coaching for German

Do you want to get more out of how you communicate in German? Speak with confidence at work or for fun? Write with clarity and conviction?

Take a piece of silk and throw it in the air. See how it falls. It falls a different way every time. Silk flows its own way. No one tells it this way is wrong or this way is right. Each way is new. Because every moment is new.

To speak fluently, to read efficiently or to write with confidence, you just need to do what silk does. In a group or in a one-to-one setting.

Speak like Silk

workshop · 6–10 people · 3 days

Do you want to speak German with greater confidence? In our workshop Speak like Silk, you will discover how you can flow the way silk does – when and where you like. Over the course of 3 days, we cover a wide variety of communicative situations. We concentrate on face-to-face interaction and also discuss aspects relevant to writing and other forms of communication.

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Read like Silk

workshop · 6–10 people · 5  mornings

Do you want to read efficiently and feel confident that have understood the main message? Understand texts written in German with ease? In our workshop Read like Silk, you will discover how to strengthen your reading skills and to recognise what it is that official, bureaucratic and other important texts in German are telling you and what they want you to do.

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Write like Silk

focus sessions · 3–6 people · 2 × 3 hours

Do you want to write with confidence in German and express yourself with clarity and conviction? In our writing focus sessions, you will learn how to let your thoughts flow – for your personal as well as your professional communication.

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Invididual coaching

individual sessions · 1 to 1 · based on your needs

We are also happy to offer the content from our workshops and focus sessions in the form of individual sessions. These are private sessions that can be designed to suit your specific personal requirements and time schedule.

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To be fluent means to flow.

Go like Silk