Know like Silk

Silk is smooth to the touch.
Your knowledge can be, too.

Table of contents

  1. What we do
  2. What will change
  3. What to expect
  4. Where it is
  5. What it costs
  6. Please note
  7. How can I register?

What we do

We’re all happy when other people understand what we’re passionate about. Our job, our research, our special interests. But we all know how difficult it can be to explain something when we know more about it than our audience. To Know like Silk means inviting other people to care about the knowledge that we are offering them.

In these focus sessions, we ask questions such as:

Here are some answers: Presenting your knowledge means sharing it. Letting others see things the way you do. If you show that you care, your audience will care, too. Silk flows in clear contours. When we share what we know, we flow outwards. We trust that other people will be able to see what we do, if we let them.

Kindness Communication is the key.

Please note that our focus sessions are not suitable for complete beginners. To participate, you need to be able to speak and understand English on at least a basic level. This means understanding what we say and talking to the others in the group. If you understand the sentences on this page, then you understand enough to participate.

What will change

When you’ve learned how to Know like Silk:

What to expect

Know like Silk takes place on two days, about one week apart from each other, with a 3-hour session on each day, including coffee breaks.

We will …

We will not

The sessions are held by both Michèle and Michael with 3 to 6 participants. Upon completion of the sessions, you will receive a certificate on paper confirming your successful participation.

Where it is

For our workshops, we invite you to our office in Vienna, Austria. Read more about where we work.

What it costs

Price for 6 hours (2 days) per person: €792 – €660 plus 20 % VAT (€132)

The price includes:

We offer a reduced rate of €540 – €450 plus 20 % VAT (€90) – for students, people doing their military service or Zivildienst as well as others on a reduced income.

We would like to offer our services to everyone who wants to learn more about Kindness Communication. If our regular prices exceed your financial resources, please get in touch with us. We wish to find a solution that works for us and for you.

Please note

Please note our terms and conditions for participating and our information on accessibility.

How can I register?

We offer Know like Silk on request for you, your company or organisation. If you would like to arrange individual dates, please get in touch.

To be fluent means to flow.

Go like Silk